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Baxter Trail Club

At approximately 15 miles, the Baxter Trail System is very large. With the number of people who enjoy this place each year, the potential exists that any of us may inadvertently damage the natural environment along the Trail and affect the experience for others. These negative effects can be minimized by adopting sound hiking and biking techniques which, while simple to learn, require a conscious and committed effort. If we are successful, the Trails will retain their essential natural qualities and continue to be a place where an extraordinary outdoor experience is available. Everyone’s help is important. Please do your part by committing to these practices, and encourage others to learn about and adopt these techniques which “Leave No Trace” on the Baxter Trails and the adjoining trails.   Thank you. 

Baxter Trail Club is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax-exempt. FEIN: 35-2452619  

3187 Colonel Springs Way, Fort Mill, SC 29708

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