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Baxter Trail Club

"Champions" are the ones who make it happen in the Baxter Trail Club

The Baxter Trail Club is administered by the officers along with the Gnomes (individuals who have given service hours to the Club) and by Champions.  Champions are those members who have volunteered to be responsible for just one of the 26 different activities that the Trail Club sponsors or holds.   The activities range from once-a-year events (such as the Baxter Spring Fling or the New Years Day Gnome Run) to regular events such as Trail Work Days, Full Moon Fires and Adopt-a-Road Litter cleanup).  The time commitment can range from a couple of hours to lots of time. 

You are not on your own.   Champions are encouraged and assisted (if needed) to assemble a group to execute the activity, or ask for help when needed.   The Gnomes and Officers are actively involved, but we need someone to manage all the details of each activity, such as public notices, recruitment of volunteers, and social media posting.

Your help will be greatly appreciated.



Do you need Community Service hours for your club or organization?

The Baxter Trail Club can help you.  You can join us on one of our regularly-scheduled workdays, or we can set up a special workday for your group.

Please contact us and tell us about your needs.

Boy Scouts

Do you need a project to progress towardsbecoming an Eagle Scout?

The Trail Club has many opportunities for improving our trail system.  You can probably find your project with us.

Please contact us and we can discuss your possible projects.

Baxter Trail Club is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax-exempt. FEIN: 35-2452619  

3187 Colonel Springs Way, Fort Mill, SC 29708

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