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Baxter Trail Club

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First, download and print the map on the homepage. For Baxter residents the trails are easy to access by walking to the nearest trailhead and following the trails. If you are arriving by vehicle you will need to park. The Fort Mill library has adequate parking and a nearby trailhead at the corner of Springmaid and First Baxter Crossing. Baxter has a lot of on-street parking with good sites close to most trailheads. Trails are marked with blazes but intersections are poorly marked, so you should at least download the map from the home page. If you have had any orienteering then a compass and the map should serve you well. Our trails are on AllTrails which has a nice app making it easier to navigate at intersections and everywhere else.

Dress comfortably.

Leave no trace. Don't litter, pack it out.

Please do not disturb the flora and fauna.

Fear of getting lost is common but in our experience you will always pop out somewhere. Phone signals are good.

Our trails have no potable water or toilets. Be prepared.

Our trails are open from dawn to dusk to pedestrian and bicycle traffic. No motorized vehicles allowed.

Dogs on leash are welcome. Pick up and pack out dog poop.

Following rain please stay off the trails for 24 hours. Visible tracks indicate trail damage.

For your safety and to protect our flora and fauna, please stay on the trails.

The BTC always welcomes constructive feedback, suggestions, and opinions.  Please consider the Forums for your comment.  If none of them seem to work, feel free to email

Baxter Trail Club is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax-exempt. FEIN: 35-2452619  

3187 Colonel Springs Way, Fort Mill, SC 29708

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