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Baxter Trail Club

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  • Work Day on the Trails

Work Day on the Trails

  • Sat, March 28, 2020
  • 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Community Center, back parking lot
  • 17


  • "Gnome" is a membership category of the Baxter Trail Club. Gnomes donate a minimum of 16 hours to qualify as a Gnome. (After year 1, qualification is 8 hours per year.)

Registration is closed

This is NOT a general workday!

Only a couple of guys/gals needed to build a bridge that cannot wait until this quarantine is over.  Open only to the WorkDay Regulars.

McBride Hwy Culvert to Bridge conversion

Show up to the rear parking lot of the Community Center at 8:00 AM for a fun day.

We have begun the replacement of the culvert on McBride Hwy nearest the Lift Station.  The Pipe is removed and a temporary bridge is in place. 

A permanent bridge that can withstand vehicular traffic is needed.  I have carried about half of the wood to the site, in the form of 14 of the decking lumbers that will be required. 

We need to transport (9) 12 foot 2x10s and a couple of 8 foot 6x6s to the site, as well as another 6 decking lumbers.

There is a bit of digging needed to set the bridge foundation (the 6x6s) deep enough that the finished bridge is at trail height.

We cannot open the gates of the Lift Station to drive up to the work site, so everythiing will have to be toted from the Lift Station.

I am looking to do this work Saturday morning starting about 8 AM.   Is anybody with me?   I figure that we need a minimum of 6 people to complete this project.  Please respond if you think you can attend.

I have set up a workday event on that you can sign up on.

Thanks, and hope to see you Saturday.


Baxter Trail Club is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax-exempt. FEIN: 35-2452619  

3187 Colonel Springs Way, Fort Mill, SC 29708

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