Second Trail Work Day in May
Help needed. As of Saturday, we only have 2 people signed up to work. This is not enough. We need several more people to come out and help build this replacement bridge. Even if you can only commit to a couple of hours, it will be appreciated. Most of the wood is at the build site, so there is not a lot of transportation of materials to do.
Please sign up at the attached link if you can spare a little time on Sunday.
Trail Volunteers replaced one bridge on May 8. We’ll replace the one beside it on Sunday, May 23. We’ll meet at the Community Center at 10:00 AM.
Bring gloves and appropriate footwear.
Thank you,
Questions? 704-941-0116
Baxter Trail Club is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax-exempt. FEIN: 35-2452619
3187 Colonel Springs Way, Fort Mill, SC 29708