The Baxter Trail Club's regular monthly meeting at the
Baxter Community Center
3187 Colonel Springs
Fort Mill, SC 29708
3rd floor conference room
Sunday July 15, 2023
7:00 PM until 9:00 PM
Welcome / Introduction
Approve Minutes of June Meeting
Officer reports
Planning for July 15 trail work day
Reading of proposed bylaws
New Business
BTC Meeting Minutes – June 4, 2023
In attendance
Peter Emrich, President
Neil Kornhouser – at large
Patrick Lynch – Membership
Matt Curtis – at large
Patrick Lynch – Membership
Eric Hammond
Dawn Posey
Susana Dalpe
Jill Hubbuch
Patty Robinson
Rob Robinson
I. Approval of May Minutes
a. May Minutes submitted by Terry (in absentia)
b. Moved, seconded and approved by majority.
II. Officer Reports
a. Peter
i. Discussed club funding by HOA and sources of additional funds (Beertopia, NYD Race, Guest Bartender
ii. Survey of residents – main items noted by residents were SIGNAGE, Tripping Hazards (rocks and roots)
b. Patrick
i. AS membership secretary, we are trying to gain more participation in club leadership, work days, meeting attendance, NYD race volunteerism, and sponsorships of NYD Race
III. Lessons Learned from May Workday
a. Dedicated full time supervision is necessary for success on a busy, multi-person workday. The leader must oversee, check, and guide, not dig, rake, or gopher.
IV. Activities for June 10 Workday
a. After much discussion, it was decided that improving signage by:
i. Adding “No Motorized Vehicles” at trailheads and
ii. Painting and refurbing Trailhead signage posts.
iii. Pat Lynch will lead June Workday.
V. Maps online
a. Making wayfinding AVAILABLE TO ALL TRAIL USERS, IT WAS DECIDED THAT WE NEED TO GET OUR CURRENT TRAIL MAP ONLINE. Possibilities are QR codes, All Trails or Trails.
Matt Curtis will investigate current possibilities.
VI. Adjourn
a. At 8:30 PM
Submitted by Pat Lynch recording.