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Baxter Trail Club

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  • Turkey Trot Trail Preparation

Turkey Trot Trail Preparation

  • Sat, November 23, 2024
  • 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • 3187 Colonial Springs Way (meet in CC rear lot)


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2024 Turkey Trot Trail Preparation

Meet  at the Community Center back parking lot at 8 am Saturday. We will gather gear and head out to the trails

We need to clear leaves and debris from the trail on the route of this years Turkey Trot. We will use our 2-3 back pack blowers ( two are sure, one has trouble running) and we could use 1-2 more. 

This is a 5k trot, slightly over 3 miles.  Blowing goes pretty fast but it is monotonous so it's nice to have enough folks to spell each other.

We also need to mark the Trot route with our arrow signs. This could be done on Saturday or later in the week, Volunteers for this can decide when. After the Trot we need to return the signs to our storage room. 

The Trot is Thanksgiving morning- November 28th. The race starts at 8:30.

It is also prudent to have someone ride the course early race day to confirm that the signs are in place and not tampered with. Looking for a volunteer for that.

Baxter Trail Club is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax-exempt. FEIN: 35-2452619  

3187 Colonel Springs Way, Fort Mill, SC 29708

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